安倍晋三, Abdelmalek Sellal, Jens Stoltenberg, David Cameron, François Hollande, Hillary Clinton

安倍晋三: 人命最優先での対応を申し入れていたが、人質の生命を危険にさらす行動を強く懸念している。厳に控えていただきたい」と抗議、軍事行動の即時中止を求めた。 Abdelmalek Sellal a exclu toute négociation avec les ravisseurs. Jens Stoltenberg: The Algerian prime minister said they felt they had no choice but to go in. David Cameron: The Algerian armed forces have now attacked this compound. It is a very dangerous, a very uncertain, a very fluid situation and I think we have to prepare ourselves for the possibility of bad news ahead. François Hollande: Je fais toute confiance aux autorités algériennes pour trouver les solutions les meilleures pour mettre un terme à cette prise d’otages. An administration official said the U.S. was not aware of the raid to free the hostages in advance. Hillary Clinton: The security … Continue reading 安倍晋三, Abdelmalek Sellal, Jens Stoltenberg, David Cameron, François Hollande, Hillary Clinton